
Herbs, wildflowers, edible plants

and other garden treasures  × family owned since 2001


It will be the plants we use in our own gardens that determine what nature will be like in 50 years. - Douglas Tallamy

Our mission is to provide the plants that will help you create spaces that nourish your spirit, mind, and body, and have a positive impact on our fragile planet.

Subscribe to our newsletter, with stories from the farm, recipes, and tips fo growing and using native plants and herbs

* indicates required

Click below to access plant lists for 2024 (TOMATOES PEPPERS AND HERBS HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED YET)

native WIldflowers


native shrubs and trees

Native Grasses


heirloom Tomatoes

Hot, Sweet and specialty Peppers

PLEASE NOTE; Pricing and sizes of plants are to be determined, and availability is subject to crop failure and other factors and these lists may not be up to date all the time.

Environmentally conscious growers since 2001, Shy Valley Farm offers a delightful assortment of herbs, heirloom and gourmet vegetable starts, and nursery propagated native plants. Owned and operated by the Shivell Family: Philip, Christy, Creighton, Helen, and Rachael, we also provide handcrafted pottery, soaps, and floral designs..

Our nursery focuses on wildlife friendly, low maintenance, and useful native plants, herbs, and heirloom tomatoes.  We have a great assortment of plants for edible landscaping, habitat gardens, and restorative landscaping. We are just starting to put together an index of our plants here. Our favorite plants look beautiful, smell amazing, taste great, and contribute to our health and the health of our environment in some significant way.  All of our plants are produced via eco friendly methods. We grow many of our plants from seeds or genetic material gleaned from regional populations, as part of our ongoing effort to preserve and promote the biodiversity of our local and regional flora and fauna. We have a great core of loyal and appreciative customers who come from all over to purchase our plants, and who we appreciate very much.  You make all our hard work worthwhile! We have been growing and selling plants every year since 1995, when we were starting pepper and tomato starts under lights in our 200 plus year old cabin!  Our nursery officially became a business in 2001, and we have operated every year since.

Note: All photos in the gallery below copyright Christy Shivell, with the exception of the lovely Serviceberry photo which was captured by Mary Silver and is used with his permission. All photos in the plant index by Christy Shivell unless otherwise noted.



(423) 348-6570


315 Ridge Road, Fall Branch, TN 37656 (Not accessible when we are not open, please call, text, or check schedule. If you arrive at the nursery and the gate is closed please do not exit your vehicle or attempt to open or go around the gate. Text 423/348-6570 or 423-276-1668)

Please leave your pets at home or in your vehicle. Our ducks thank you!


We will reopen for spring in Mid April. Check here, social media, or our newsletter for updates.

You may place an order for pick up anytime by texting 423/348-6570

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Shy Valley Farm.


We greatly appreciate your business, but please call or text before coming to see us unless you are visiting during posted hours.

Visit the Farm

The nursery will reopen in April.. If you would like to place an order before that time, please text 423/348-6570.


Educational Materials for gardening in the Appalachian Highlands region

Below is a list of topics of interest to many of our customers.  If you click on the topic, a new window will open with a printable PDF file for your non-commercial use.  Feel free to print and copy these files for educational purposes. Please do not alter the content in any way, and leave our contact information intact and visible when you reproduce these materials in any format.

If you need further assistance, we would be happy to help you in planning your next garden project.  

Native Plant Basics

High Impact Habitat Gardening

Deer Resistant Native Plants

Butterfly Gardening Basics

Native Plants and Herbs for Bees, Butterflies, and Hummingbirds

Bird Friendly Native Plants

Coming soon- Native Plants for Rain Gardens

From Lawn to Habitat Garden

Inviting Fireflies to Your Landscape

Attracting Hummingbirds to East Tennessee Gardens

Garden Plan for A Sunny Bank

Super Simple Butterfly Garden

Super Simple Pollinator Garden

Native Herbs

Growing Culinary Herbs in East Tennessee Gardens

Scented Geranium Care and Recipes

A Kitchen Herb Garden Plan

Cocktail Herb Recipes and TIps

Favorite Tea Herbs

Favorite Herbs Grouped by Size

Favorite Edible Flowers

Getting to Know and Grow Garlic

Growing Peonies in the Mountain Empire

Growing and Using Figs, including Recipes and links

Terrarium and Moss Garden Care Instructions

Tomato Growing Tips for East Tennessee Gardeners